350+ Crab Names With Popular, Famous, and Cute Choices

Naming crabs isn’t uncommon nowadays. Being one of nature’s most bizarre and exceptional creatures, their versatile color patterns, sizes, designs, and activities fascinate us all. What happens when you have a live species of one of these at home? Surely, you start by naming it. 

But what if it’s difficult to find a name for your crabby? No worries, as we’re here to help you sort that out with a guide to more than three hundred and fifty cute, catchy, and unique crab names. Care to find the perfect crab name with us? Read on.

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Why Naming Your Crab Is Important?

Naming your crab is essential to developing your own interest in nurturing it. A good name motivates you to care for the creature you’ve brought home. Other reasons to name a crab are:

Strengthening a Deep Bond

Naming is due to maintaining a constant interaction with your crab. They obviously aren’t going to answer your calling, but it doesn’t lessen your love for it.

In an aquarium or fish tank, the crab’s going to zoom into the glass walls seeing your movements. However, you can still call it with pretty names. 

Making It a Social Media Sensation

Nourishing and caring for your crab in a beautiful large fish tank can draw social media attention. If your crustaceous friend is a catchy and pretty one, you can give them suitable names like Coral, Clawrence, Shelby, etc., to get all virtual eyes on them.  

Saving Memories

Crabs may not live long like cats or dogs, but they surely leave you with some cherishable memories. When you associate a pretty name with those moments during their lifespan, they become even more precious to live with afterwards. 

How to Choose the Perfect Name for Your Crab?

Crabs are unique creatures to keep, so is to name them. If you’re having difficulties naming your side-walking friend, here are a few tips to follow:

Name to Reflect Appearance

Depending on what type of crab you’ve taken as a pet, naming should be done. A suitable name reflecting its physical attributes, color, claw design, etc., can sound terrific.

Try Legzilla (long legs), Shelly (thick and hard shell), Rainbow (vibrant hues), etc., to pronounce your pet crab’s physical remarks. 

Observe Their Behavior

Observing your pet crab’s behavior outside or inside the aquarium can be a nice trick to find a suitable name. If you’re crab loves to dig through sand, you may call it ‘Sandy’ or ‘Cave Digger.’ A crab that has a large appetite, you can call it ‘Feasty’ or ‘Yummy.’ 

Take Oceanic Inspiration

The underwater environment can be a great source of inspiration to name you crab. Names like ‘Coral,’ ‘Shells,’ ‘Barnacle,’ etc., will be a tribute to your pet crab’s natural habitat if it’s a sea crab. 

Follow Famous Crabs from Pop Culture or Literature

This is an easy one, but exciting to name your pet crab after a famous crab character from movies, animation films, or literature. Popular names like Sebastian, Klutzy, Betsy, etc., can make your crab-guy or girl a star at home.

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Popular Crab Names

Let’s start with some popular and charismatic names to choose from for your pet crab: 

Clawsome Christopher Clawful 
Shelldon Snappy Pincher 
Bob Gabby Kirby 
Rover Trailer Samson 
Sergei Oliver Blaze 
Arnold Groucho Jasper 
Cedric Neptune Reef 

Cute Crab Names

An adorable and charming name can really make your shelly friend more attractive: 

Squirt Snip Poops 
Pinchy Twinkle Tiny 
Pip Spooky Twix 
Fudge Nappy Shy 
Cristie Popsicle Candy 
Mellow Cookie Nutty 
Sprinkles Sugar Cutie 

Get 130+ Top Picked Octopus Names

Funny Crab Names

With a touch of humor and antics, check out these funny names for crabs:

Mad Pincher Shell Dock Crawly Dolly 
Creepy Burrow Bubble Tank Sandy Cheeks
Crablicious Krusty Coco Crab 
Six Leggies Claw Master Snappy Crappy 
Buffet Diner Clawster Shellshock 
Crabulous Snapperjack Snip Snop 
Snapleton Crustini Claw-Leslie 

Pet Crab Names

Here’s a list of top names that suggest you to choose the perfect name for your beloved crab: 

Gleam Sparkle Prance 
Marvel Twirl Bliss 
Scurry Hardy Cuppy 
TomGrinder Dottie 
Pretty Toddy Ringo 
Benny Oreo Miko 
Spotty Buzz Silvy 
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Good Names for Crabs

Immerse into these timeless and attractive names for your pet crab: 

Flicker Blink Marvel 
Gusto Ariel Nautica 
Ursula Riptide Yara 
Marlin Nora Gigi 
Blitz Grit Tintin 
Elf Wobble Kudos 
Lacey Yoyo Serpo 

Hermit Crab Names

If you happen to own a beautiful hermit crab, it deserves an appropriate name like from among the ones in the following: 

Sushi Wave Shelly 
Anemone Testa Jewel 
Ornatus Beady Churl 
Surly Mumpish Huffy 
Abby Rover Henry 
Eremita Kreb Arnie 
Bruce Skittles Clyde 

Fiddler Crab Names

Given its unique physical attribute like one claw much larger than the other, the fiddler crab should be tagged with a proper title, such as: 

Flounder Krane Zippy 
Big Snapper Kraken Scissor 
Dagger Marshy Fighter 
Hustler Vitula Excavator 
Digger Harpy Shady 
Sandman Chief Umbra 
Sabulo Viola Colonel 

King Crab Names

King crabs aren’t ideal as pets. However, you can always find a good name, suiting its personality and attributes for one in a care center or a fictional character: 

Spike ThornTitan 
Spikey Hulk Thorny Pumpkin Grumpy 
Gobbler Goliath Monarch 
Commander Clawber Scarlet Claw 
Red Giant Crab Lord Don Red Claw 
Mamoth Saber Hercules 
Megalocrabby Three Pairs Death Claw 
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Famous Crab Names

You must have seen or read about all those colorful crab characters in movies, literature, or animated films. If you want to name your crab after one of the unforgettable characters, pick one from below: 

Tamatoa The villain coconut crab character who sings ‘Shiny’ from Disney’s ‘Moana’ 
Klaus The yeti crab who lives down in the midnight zone from ‘The Yeti Crab’ 
Captain CrabooA small, naughty pet crab character owned by the ice bear in the animated series ‘We Bare Bear’ 
Scroop A sinister spider or crab-like alien from Disney’s ‘Treasure Planet’ 
Eugene H. Krabs Known as Mr. Krabs, the frugal and money-obsessed owner of the Krusty Krab restaurant in SpongeBob SquarePants
Crabzilla A gian crab character from the video game ‘Worldbox’ 
ABC Crab Known as Alphabet Crab, a crab character from ‘Singing Walrus’
Chongire A crab-like villain from the anime series ‘Tropical-Rogue! Pretty Cure’ 
Kraw A crab-themed Mixel from the animated series ‘Mixels’ 
KA-2 Des Scissors A crab-like machine monster using Toxic Haze Attack from ‘Yu-Gi-Oh! GX and Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL’ 
Betsy Krabs Known as Mama Krabs, the mother of Mr. Krabs from the animated series ‘SpongeBob SquarePants’ 
Toxiclaw A villaneous Monsuno crab-like creature from the animated series ‘Monsuno’ 

Male Crab Names

Here’s a list of some masculine, strong names to choose from for your boy crab: 

Leo Henry Danny 
Buddy Max Liam 
Joe Huxler Monty 
Ben Tommy Rango 
Diego Zeus Fox 
Sam Freddy Milo 
Odin Remo Sheldon 

Female Crab Names

Check out these classy, girl names for your female crab: 

Trudy Angelica Claudia 
Daisy Lily Stacey 
Susie Maxie Jodie 
Shaelin Pamela Mia 
Marina Heidi Hydra 
Ginny Xena Pearl 
Athena Sophia Ava 
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Baby Crab Names

Some cute crab name suggestions can come in handy if you have adopted one or a few baby crabs: 

Nibblet Itsy Tiny 
Nano Legs Peach Bitty 
Pip Spring Beads 
Crabling Elf Baby Claw 
Pixies Munchkin Mini Pincer 
Smidge White Flicker Beach Scoot 
Speck Nipper Tidbit 

Cool Crab Names

Some names inspired by nature and habitats can give the crab an edgy vibe. Check such a crab few names below:

Snow Jet Nitro 
Thunder Axel Grit 
Splash Gripper Sashimi 
Aqua Jade Sushi 
Whirl Vault Gypsy 
Moe Homer Pinchkin 
Baron Knight Duke 

Unique Crab Names

The names in the following can make your crab(s) stand out with their unique traits and personality: 

Quartz Sonnet Lore 
Mirage Quip Oracle 
Sly Whisper Syntax 
WitTrickster Hermilia 
Vector Elmo Bob 
Burt Gale Veloce 
Kermit Dory Quill 

Crab Pun Names

Calling your pet crab with a catchy, clever, and humorous name can add loads of fun to your regular bond: 

SnapperazziCrabsolutelyClawfee Break
Scuttle MasterCrabbin’ AroundCrabtivating
Crabmarine Pinch PerfectSidekick 
Crustfallen Crustefact Red ‘Chilli’ Crab 
ReeflectiveSnapstract Clawtastrophe
Scuttle LuckRunny Legs Miss-Chief 
SandsationalCrabberry SauceCrabby Hour
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Oceanic Crab Names

You can take inspiration from the ocean to pay homage to the aqua crab’s habitat while naming them. Check some amazing ocean crab names below: 

Sea StarletSapphire ShellCove Hopper
TidewalkerSandbar WalkerWave Surfer 
Lagoona Crimson CoralWavecaster
ShellseerHarbor HiderSand Wader 
Burrow Cast Seafoam ScuttleSirensnap
Bay StriderBayleaf Bay Strider
Dune DiverBlue CurrentTidal Tumbler

Crab Nicknames

Here’s a list of some suitable nicknames that may go well with your many-legged companion: 

SidewalkClipper Periscope 
Sneaky Scooter Zoomer 
Clawsy Scuttlebug Pincheroo 
Seabiscuit Miner Hoarder 
Nipper Skippy Scamper 
Flipper Beachy Pinchlet 
Bouncer Crusty Dodger 

Names Meaning Crabs

Time to find out what how ‘crab’ sounds in other languages: 

Krebs German 
Krabb Swedish 
Krabbi Icelandic 
Pang Thai 
Crabe French 
Kabouras Greek 
Racik Slovak 
Kani Japanese 
Granchio Italian 
Yengec Turkish 


Wrapping up, we can say that crabs can have unique, humorous, and popular titles. You just need to figure out your pet crab’s obvious attributes, behavior, activities, etc. to land the perfect name for it. 

With over hundred crab names, it will be a lot easier for you now to explore and find the right moniker. And guess what, you can choose multiple names or change names in short intervals because crabs don’t care! Fun for pet naming, isn’t it! 


How do I choose a unique name for my hermit crab?

Hermit crabs can be tagged with unique names since they aren’t basically crabs to begin with. As for your hermit crab, brainstorm names after its attributes, such as living in other’s shells, its curly and soft tail, hard exoskeleton, etc. For fast ideas, check out our list of ‘Hermit Crab Names’ above or look up hermit crab names online. 

What are some funny names for pet crabs?

Some funny names pet crabs are Sandy Claws, Nipster, Crabby Patty, etc. 

Can I rename my crab if I change my mind?

Absolutely, yes. Crabs can’t learn or remember names or their humans’ faces. Hence, you can rename your crab multiple times without concerning whether it will respond or not. 

Do crabs respond to their names?

No, crabs don’t respond to their names since they lack the intellect to learn and remember names. 

What are some famous crab names from movies?

A few famous crab characters from movies are Tamatoa (Moana), Sebastian (A Little Mermaid), etc.

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Hassan Sahlaoui

Hi, I’m Hassan, the guy behind Craft A Name. I’ve always had a passion for languages and discovering the perfect names. My websites have been featured in major publications including Forbes, Business Insider, and Yahoo. I created this platform to help you find unique and memorable names for anything — a team, a new project, a newborn, or even a lovely pet. I’m here to share my love for naming and to make the process fun and easy for you.